Capsule etiquette Capsule etiquette There is a certain set of rules that must be followed.. The most important of them is not to make noise. When listening to music and watching TV, it is better to use headphones.We’ll have to be careful with the alarm signal.It is also worth refraining from overly odorous food.In our hotel, it is generally forbidden to eat food inside the capsules. For this we have a separate roomWhen photographing the capsule to capture your stay here, try not to disturb other guests.Keep them out of the frame, and try not to disturb them with the sound of a camera shutter (or its imitation on a smartphone). Our hotel staff will tell you the rules at check-in.If in any doubt, just follow them. Lake Balkhash BalkhashKazakhstan CALL AS We will be pleased to welcome you in our hotel to discover the unique natural beauties of Balkhash. +77000237778 +77005277007 near the lake